Looe Golf Club Seniors Committee Meeting Minutes 23 January 2024


In Attendance: Dave Moore (Capt), A Harmer (Sec), Andy Deeprose (V Capt & Treas), Simon Walker (Past Capt), Brian Clark, Bryan Sibley, John Grist.

Apologies – Bryan Sibley


Discussion and decisions

Action by



Captain's Address:  The Captain opened the meeting at 0905 by welcoming the members of the Committee and he pointed to a few things that he wished to discuss. Some of which are reflected in committee meeting standing agenda items and, as it is 3 months since the last meeting, it seemed prudent to call a full formal committee meet.





Minutes of the last Meeting (Sec)

Agreed true representation of the previous meeting discussions.

Proposer    Brian Clark                                   Second: Simon Walker




Matters Arising (Sec)

Several items that had been previously satisfied were mentioned and one outstanding item the Birch Ward expansion will be discussed as an agenda item later.





Secretary Report: 

  1. Match Vs China Fleet arranged for 2 May 2024 a reciprocal match pending for 2025.
  2. Summer Ko’s sign-up sheet was posted. The draw will take place 1st week in March. Pairs will be drawn from two divisions of handicaps.
  3. Sec has produced a list of matches with contact details and will email all committee members. Decision: Sec to email to all committee members.
  4. Sec reminded all com members that the Comps & Admin page is for important info only.









Treasurers Report:

  1. As of 23rd January     -         Bank           £1930.74

                                                   Cash held    £  390.20

                                                    Total           £2320.94


         Member competition accounts             £  879

Captains Charity funds & Buckland Rowe   £    80

                                 Total Liabilities            £  959

Therefore Section Total funds stand at     £1361.94


  1. Overall percentage payout of Entrance fees to prize pot is 72.2% so far this year.
  2. 37 members are now paid up for 2024.
  3. Assurance was given by both present and past Treasurers that an auditable trail of Seniors' accounts is constantly maintained. A payment to a past member was questioned – answer: settlement of player account on leaving the Section/club.
  4. The Captain thanked the Treasurer for a full and comprehensive financial report.


















Seniors Open 2023:

9 visitors are now booked in.

Decision: Sec & Treasurer to synchronise & verify competitor numbers on a regular basis.






Birch Ward Trophy. (Charity Event) Planned for Thursday 13th June 2024.

  1. After some discussion it was agreed that the committee would attempt to open this competition, an individual Stableford, up to the whole membership of Looe Golf Club.
  2. For maximum participation and therefore max charitable funds the competition could run on a similar format to the Captains Stablefords, in as much as players could book their own tee times and play in the competition. Groups such as Ladies, Seniors & POETS could still use their pre-booked tee times and play in the competition if they wish to.
  3. It was suggested that both men and ladies could play off the same tees as the WHS handicap calculations will make necessary adjustments to balance relative gender and course difficulty.
  4. Discussion included the possible purchase of a trophy suitable for an annual award, as there will only be one winner and no other prizes will be available.
  5. It was suggested that it may be possible to make this a club board competition.






Seniors Away Day. (Captain to Lead)

  1. Bowood subsidy agreed and confirmed at £15 per head regardless whether one day visit

     or overnight stay.

2.  The committee agreed that the Captain can invite selected guests to fill beds that remain unfilled by Seniors members. These guests will be paying full price with no subsidies as enjoyed by Seniors members.

3.  Booking will remain open for Seniors members as long as there are spare beds available. However, after 29th February 2024, the Captain may commence inviting guests to fill any unfilled spaces.  






Any Other Business.

No Agenda items raised by members.





  1. Date of next Committee meeting 23rd April 2024.
  2. Captains information meeting on 27th February 2024.




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