Looe Golf Club Seniors Draft Committee Meeting Minutes for 8th November 2022

In Attendance: Simon Walker (Capt), A Harmer (Sec), Dave Moore (V Capt & Treas), Andy Deeprose (Asst Treas), Brian Clark (Past Capt),

Dave Allen, John Grist.

Apologies, Bryan Sibley.


Discussion and decisions

Action by



Captains Address:  The Captain welcomed John Grist and Andy Deeprose to the committee and thanked John Nash for his contribution during his year. Simon also gave a brief on an ever-growing list of Seniors suffering ailments at present and wished them all well. He also added himself to that list stating that due to an imminent knee replacement he would be unable to attend the Xmas Party. Under his guidance, the matches started well with 2 wins and 1 loss, particularly encouraging was the defeat of the Ladies!




Minutes of last Meeting (Sec)

Agreed true representation of the meeting discussions.

Proposer    Brian Clark                                        Second: Dave Allen




Matters Arising (Sec)

Nothing significant was outstanding from the last meeting. Birch Ward expansion will be discussed as a separate Agenda item and M&M committee vacancy is still outstanding.






Secs Report. 

1. Fixtures: Carlyon Bay have said that they cannot field a team to play us. This game is canceled and removed from future programmes. Sec stated he is still trying to split the two away games planned for next September at Staddon on a Tuesday and Falmouth on a Thursday. Sec to meet Falmouth Sec in March to try and split these two matches.

2. Rule Changes 2023.  Just announced that there are some rule changes coming in for 2023. More info will be forthcoming shortly.  Rule Changes view here.

3. Future Website. Discussion determined that the website set up by the Media & Marketing member cannot possibly be used to the extent that M&M had envisaged and to extend its use would cost the Section in excess of £100. Whereas the club website which should be able to do what we need is free. Decision made was to revert to the Looe GC website at no further cost to the Section.

4. M&M Committee Position. The committee discussed the likelihood of finding another Senior with the contacts and vision that the previous M&M had. The Committee has therefore decided to withdraw the M&M position for the foreseeable future.















Treasurers Report:

Bank Balance £4095.45  Cash held £324.08  Net £4419.53 These figures include:

Member liabilities £1024, Past & present Captains Charity monies £1302.13

Leaving a balance in the Seniors Account of  £2093.40

The overall percentage payout of Entrance fees to prize pot is 75.7% through October.

Xmas lunch subsidy was discussed and set at £10 per head plus the first drink free.

  Decision. Sec to produce free drink tickets.









Media & Marketing Member Report. To be removed as an agenda item for future meetings.



Seniors Open 2023:

Already advertised on golf empire @ £16 Entrance Fee on Thursday 3rd August 2023.

Planning will begin in the New Year.





Birch Ward Trophy. (Charity Event) Planned for Tuesday 13th June 2023.

The committee repeated their intention to open this competition up to more members of Looe Golf Club and further planning will be undertaken at the next meeting.





Seniors Away Day. (Captain to Lead)

Simon has made preliminary plans to revisit Ashbury Golf Hotel at Okehampton during 4 and 5 May 2023. He has been offered the same deal as 2022 at £99/head. The committee have agreed a minimum subsidy of £10/head with the possibility of increasing this as long as our funds can withstand an increase. This cannot be decided until nearer the time but we need to get provisional numbers to the hotel to secure the stated price/head.





Any Other Business.

  1. John Grist has asked that consideration be given to playing some medals off the yellow tees and not whites. It was pointed out that at a survey of members the majority, some 70%, voted to leave the split between white & yellow tees unchanged. It is over 12 months since the last survey so the survey will be repeated.
  2. Brian Clark asked whether the committee thought it acceptable to look at spending some of our accumulated funds on a facility at the club which the seniors would get good use of.

Decision: Committee members to consider ideas and propose at the next meeting.

  1. Andy Deeprose asked the committee if we had representation at the club committee. It was explained that the Sec had asked the question of the club secretary but access was refused. Neither the Ladies nor the Seniors are represented on the club committee.









All Committee


  1. Date of next meeting. Tuesday 31st January 2023.



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