Invited: Dave Moore (Capt), A Harmer (Sec), Andy Deeprose (Vice Capt & Treasurer), Simon Walker (Past Capt), John Grist, Brian Clark,
Clive Cooper. Apologies: John Grist
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Discussion and decisions |
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Captains Address: The Captain welcome all to the meeting with a special welcome to Clive Cooper a new member of the committee. He also apologise that this meeting was held a little later than arranged at the last meeting. |
Capt |
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Minutes of last Meeting (Chair) Agreed true representation of meeting discussions. Proposer B Clark Second: S Walker |
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Matters Arising (Chair) Birch Ward still outstanding will be discussed as an agenda item. |
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Secretary’s Report: White tees proposal. The sec outlined a proposal that would give players an optional tee to play from during White tee competitions with an obvious reduction in strokes received as this is now provisioned within the WHS. After discussion there was some concern that some members may see this as somewhat elitist by creating a split within the Seniors Section. The committee agreed to discuss and inform the members with the possibility of a trial and further consideration at the next AGM. |
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Treasurers Report: As at 1st May - Bank £2313.00 Liabilities Cash held £ 365.00 Members Comp Fund £977 Charities – Foodbank £ 17 Buckland Rowe £100 Bowood Deposit £360 Seniors Open £ 36 Total Funds £2678.00 Total Liabilities £ 1490 Therefore Section Total funds minus known liabilities stand at £ 1188 |
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Seniors Open. Thursday 01 August 2024 18 visitor entries to date. Decision. Match captains reminded to inform away teams at post match speeches of this event. |
Match Captains |
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Birch Ward Trophy. (Charity Event) Planned for Thursday 11th June 2024 Plans to expand this event have been discussed for 2 years now and all the committee have decided that support for the expansion of this event have not been sufficiently received by other parties whom we had hoped would offer more support. The committee have therefore decided to shelve the expansion indefinitely and to remove this item from further meeting agenda. Decision. Sec to remove Item 7 from future agenda |
Sec |
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Seniors Away Day. (Captain to Lead) General itinerary & numbers outlined by Captain. |
Capt |
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Any Other Business. 1. The Lady Vets Captain has asked that this game be reinstated after last years Seniors/Greensomes game was postponed as the ladies could not get a team together. The committee have agreed that the match will take place on the 20th June 2024. 2. After playing a comp with Tony Hart he informed the Sec that he had paid his subscription for last year and had then not been contacted by the Senior Section. It has been decided to invite Tony to join us this year at no further cost as this was committee oversight. Decision. Sec to contact Tony Hart to inform him of the Committee decision. Members Agenda Items. – Nil |
Sec |
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Date of next meeting. TBD
Capt |